A Light Touch Hair Removal

The only option for permanent hair removal.

Debbie Malacina, LE, CPE

Palos Hills, IL


Client Testimonials

After dealing with unwanted facial hair for over 30 years, it is finally GONE, thanks to Debbie at Aspire Salon. I have tried every product on the market which claims to permanently remove facial hair. I now know the only method which truly, safely and permanently removes facial hair is electrolysis.

Debbie is a professional, licensed electrolysis technician who led the charge in the State of Illinois to ensure that electrolysis was performed only by skilled, licensed technicians. She has been employed in the field for 33 years, and she is the epitome of a professional.

My skin type is especially sensitive due to being fair haired. Debbie suggested a topical analgesic to apply ahead of time to make the treatments more comfortable. She even has an aloe plant in the salon for application after treatment! The salon is private, clean and comfortable.

With only weekly treatments over the course of a few months, the razor stubble has been removed, and my facial hair is growing normally. She is a Godsend! I would highly recommend to anyone who has agonized over this problem to see Debbie for a free consultation. You will not be disappointed. I only wish I had done it years ago.

-- Colleen M.

I made the decision to get electrolysis over three months ago. At 29-years-old, I grew tired of spending hours plucking and waxing my face. Not to mention that waxing is definitely not cost effective. When finally deciding on electrolysis, I did some research and found Debbie Malacina and Aspire Salon. I made the call and spoke one on one with Debbie, who was so knowledgeable and answered every one of my questions. She was honest and told me what to expect. After the past few months, I could not be more pleased with the results I have gotten. Debbie has changed my life, boosted my self-esteem and gave me hope to look forward to a life-time free of waxing and plucking. Thank you Debbie and Aspire Salon for all you have done for me! I give you 5-stars!!

-- Nada

I have been coming to Debbie for 10+ years, she is the best in the business. I love this place. The ladies are so welcoming and always makes you feel comfortable when you are waiting for an appointment. Debbie is very caring and attentive. I would recommend her services to anyone.

-- Stacy S.

Electrolysis Tip

Talk to your electrologist about any questions or concerns. We want your experience to be as comfortable and effective as possible.

Did you know?

If your electrologist can't see the hairs, they can't zap the hairs. Plucking, waxing, threading, or tweezing before your hair removal appointment reduces the number of hairs your electrologist can remove.

Did you Know?

Electrology is the only hair removal method recognized as permanent by the FDA.

Did you know?

The hair you see is not all the hair you have. Hair grows in cycles. That's why it takes more than one appointment to permanently clear an area.

Electrolysis Tip

HydrateHydrate, hydrate, hydrate!
Drinking plenty of water helps unwanted hair slide right out.

Electrolysis Tip

Ask your electrologist for aftercare advice. We can recommend the product that is right for your skin and treatment program.

Electrolysis Tip

It's okay to shave between treatments, but never, ever tweeze!

Never tweeze between treatments.

Electrolysis Tip

Clean skin releases unwanted hair more easily. Remove your makeup before your appointment, Remove makeup prior to your electrolysis appointment.so the hair follicles are clean and accessible.

Electrolysis Tip

For a more comfortable treatment, avoid caffeine for a few hours before your appointment.

Did you know?

Gently exfoliating your skin before your treatment opens up the follicles and lets the unwanted hair slide out more easily.

If you feel that excess facial or body hair is concealing your potential, there is a way to get the hair-free look you deserve. Electrolysis - safe, permanent hair removal - can reveal the full extent of your natural beauty. You will love the smooth, healthy look you can achieve with electrology.

A Light Touch Hair Removal is dedicated to helping you maintain the smooth-skinned, perfectly groomed look you deserve. When you look your best, you get the best out of life. With professional electrology treatments, you can take control of unwanted hair and let your beautiful skin shine through.

My personal mission is to bring each client the best in electrolysis technology, utilizing state of the art equipment and tailoring treatments to individual needs. I am always fine tuning my skills with the most recent education to ensure that my services are on the forefront of the industry. By working together to enhance each client's true beauty through eliminating unwanted hair, we facilitate increased self-esteem and a sense of personal well being.

Schedule your complimentary permanent hair removal consultation today!

Electrolysis Solutions

   For Athletes
   For Breasts & Sensitive Areas
   For Coarse, Wavy Hair
   For Darker Skin
   For Hormonal Changes/PCOS
   For Men
   For Teenagers
   For Transgender

Debbie Malacina, LE, CPE - Electrologist

A Light Touch Hair Removal
Debbie Malacina, LE, CPE


In Aspire Salon - Palos Hills, IL

10016 S. Roberts Rd
Palos Hills, IL 60465

Professional Memberships, Credentials, and Accomplishments

American Electrology Association
Electrology Association of Illinois
Certified Professional Electrologist
Licensed Electrologist
Past Continuing Education Director of American Electrology Association

Modalities & Techniques

Shortwave (Thermolysis)

Areas Served

Palos Hills, IL*
Palos Heights, IL
Hickory Hills, IL
Palos Park, IL
Burbank, IL
Chicago, IL
and surrounding areas

* Indicates that an office is located at this location